Powerful Android Application Security Solutions

There are various risks involved when publishing an app. Secure your apps in real-time from these hacking attempts

Rooting Tool

 Protect from Rooting tool & software which allows users to access the device as root user to modify manufacturer system files.

Memory Cheating Tool

Defeat unfair advantage by altering the memory or game values over a mobile application by preventing from memory cheatting software

Packet Sniffing Tool Detection

Secure your data packets from getting intercepted by malicious software or tools.

DEX, SO, DLL Sealing

AppSealing encrypts Dex, SO and DLL during the sealing process which protects from any unauthorised access or tampering.

Reverse Engineering Prevention

Protect your Application from getting reverse engineered and theft of IP’s, application functionality & flow design .

Code and Data Encryption

Encrypt your code, secrets, and data using AppSealing engine to make it unreadable and prevent from tampering.

JavaScript Code Encryption

Secure JS logic or algorithms converting them from plain text to encrypted format to avoid code tampering.

Protect Against VM Emulator

Defeat VM emulator from performing volume and multiple vm environments attacks at scale. 

Multiple User Environment

Prevent against multi-user or concurrent access  environments which can have distinct permissions or personalised settings to tampere the app.

Anti-keylogging and Screen-reading

Enable AppSealing to protect against unauthorized input or screen-reading threats to avoid any PII information to be collected.

Protection against Rooting and Jail Break

Fight against hacktivists from throwing privileged access from Android OS or remove software restrictions imposed by Apple’s operating system.

Anti-Memory Dump, Memory Access Detection

Secure & protect your sensitive data from attacker i.e being stored in memory or dump memory.

Protection against Debugging and Decompiling

Detect and protect your mobile app from debugging & decompiling by using AppSealing WBC Encryption mechanism.

Protection against hooking and Remote access

Flight against remote and hooking attacker and similar tool to prevent your application based PII data.

Macro Bot Detection

Enable ML based macro bot detection to protect from malicious bot automating the app usability.

SSL Pinning Prevention

Mitigate security risk such as Man-in-the-Middle attack or from hooking frameworks which are capable of bypassing SSL pinning to avoid non secure SSL/TLS communication.

Protection against Repackaging

AppSealing ensures no malware, external files or manipulated documents is injected by performing the repackaging activity.

Integrity Protection

AppSealing ensures data authenticity and trustworthiness  against attacker tampering activities.

Protection from Modding

Defeat attackers from modifying applications or files to change the working, ensure your integrity with AppSealing.

Protection against Jail Break

Fight against hacktivists gaining privileged access to iOS OS or eliminate Apple’s operating system’s software limitations.

Protection against debugging & decompiling

Detect and prevent debugging and decompiling of your mobile app with the AppSealing WBC Encryption technique.

Protection against Repackaging

AppSealing ensures no malware, external files or manipulated documents is injected by performing the repackaging activity.

Integrity Protection

AppSealing guards against attacker manipulation by ensuring data authenticity and reliability.

App Cloning prevention

Prevent your application from getting dup;icate or getting closed used appsealing obfuscation methodology.

JavaScript Code Encryption

Secure JS logic or algorithms converting them from plain text to encrypted format to avoid code tampering.

Rooting Tool

Prevent the usage of software and jailbreak tools that let users access the device and change manufacturer system files as authorised users.

Memory Cheatting Tool

Defeat unfair advantage by altering the memory or game values over a mobile application by preventing from memory cheatting software.

Packet Sniffing Tool Detection

Prevent harmful applications or programmes from intercepting your data packets.