A Beginners Guide to App Shielding and How it can be used in DevSecOps Pipeline of mobile applications

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, security is paramount, especially when it comes to mobile applications. As developers and organizations strive to deliver seamless user experiences, they must also prioritize safeguarding sensitive data and protecting against evolving cyber threats. This is where app shielding comes into play.

Why App Shielding Matters in DevSecOps

In the dynamic landscape of DevSecOps, where development, security, and operations converge, integrating app shielding into the pipeline is crucial. By incorporating security measures early in the development lifecycle, organizations can identify and address vulnerabilities proactively, minimize security risks, and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of their mobile applications.

This guide focuses on –

  • Ways to implement security in the DevSecOps Pipeline without affecting the user experience of the mobile application.
  • Key technologies to ensure all-round app security
  • How to merge development, security and operations effectively
  • Steps to integrate app security into DevSecOps pipeline.

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Here are Actionable resources we have curated for you

What Is Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP)?

RASP for Mobile App Security

Mobile app security is primarily implemented outside-in. Security is designed to be maximum at the perimeter

Application Security best practices

Organizations today rely heavily on mobile applications to expand their scope and achieve

The complete guide to mobile app security

To help organizations plan and deploy applications securely, we have developed a best practices guide.

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