Upgrade to the latest AppSealing version

We never stop improving AppSealing Solution. We've been hanging out on the forum and researching about how we can enhance our security module to improve your user experience and keep your app secured from the changing landscape of vulnerabilities. With your feedback, we've worked hard to update some important improvements in the latest version Try out these new updates now.
Release Date: August 12, 2019
Last Updated: November 13, 2020

August 12, 2019


AppSealing is pleased to announce the availability of the latest version

We never stop improving AppSealing Solution. We’ve been hanging out on the forum and researching about how we can enhance our security module to improve your user experience and keep your app secured from the changing landscape of vulnerabilities. With your feedback, we’ve worked hard to update some important improvements in the latest version Try out these new updates now.

As always we would suggest upgrading to the latest revision in your release series.


What’s new in AppSealing version

Released on 12th Aug 2019

Welcome to the Aug 2019 release of AppSealing’s new version There are a number of improvements in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

  • App life cycle in background improved.

AppSealing keeps surveilling hacking attacks while the app. is running in the background. This activity occupies resources of devices which potentially results in unavailability of background foreground transition of the apps. To prevent this annoying user experience, we have improved the occupancy rate of the resources with the same security level while in the background mode. 

  • Security module size decreased 

AppSealing security service once deployed increases the app size to 2-4 MB but in some cases, it was seen that it used to go higher due to the size of the DLL where we applied encryption. App size is considered to be the most sensitive part in some regions where the users have limited bandwidth and memory size on their devices. This improvement will keep the app size stable even after applying AppSealing service in Asia Pacific, Africa, and South America region. 

– Other Fixes with the latest version

  • App. Blackout fixed

App. blackout bugs reported by specific users who have Android N Galaxy note5, s6-edge, s6 have been fixed. 

  • AWS java library compatibility fixed

This release is recommended for all users and is a free update to all existing AppSealing customers and subscribers. 

For all owners of previous versions, you can access the latest version by logging in and upgrading your version through AppSealing Developer Console (ADC).

We’re always here to help! If you come across a problem, want to provide feedback, or require support, you can get in touch by email (support@appsealing.com).